College View
College View
7am-8pm, Mon-Thurs
7am-7pm, Fri-Sun
(402) 327-9391
4736 Prescott Ave,
Lincoln NE,
The Mill in College View at 48th & Prescott is home to a thriving environment of some well-loved, locally owned, shops – The Mill being an anchor and the first among them.
Home to Union College, our owner Dan’s alma mater. In 1891, Union College was founded southeast of nearby Lincoln and a small village formed around it. In 1892, the village had grown and was incorporated as College View. The city of Lincoln grew southward and annexed College View in 1929. Notice the incredible historical buildings, especially on campus, next time you go by.
Founded in 2000, our second location has always had its own personality and devoted customer following. Prescott was a sleepy street that used to house a post office, grocery store and bank in its 1910’s era buildings. When we started building renovations, you could just park on the sidewalk, and no one cared as we hauled building supplies in and out. The Mill was the catalyst for the vibrant shopping area that it is today. Now this is where you should take your mom to coffee. Where you will run into your yoga teacher. This is where you want to be on a Sunday morning, before the College View Farmer’s Market. Sweet and spicy and everything nice. The spot to shop.